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Art of Reflection to Personal Empowerment !

Do you often feel entrapped? It is as though we can feel the straps of our limiting routines tighten over time, until one day, they suddenly become too much to bear. Left unattended, this feeling can carry on to convince you to believe that you are powerless over the current events you are experiencing. It has been increasingly difficult for us as a society to limit the amount of distractions that we allow to infiltrate into our routines.

This depreciating value for self-control along with reflection, are the two main components of our discomfort or the "straps" that keep us feeling like we are stuck in an unbeatable cycle. The forgotten art of self-reflection provides us with the depth and capacity to analyze the true purpose behind our actions, thoughts & ideas, behaviors and interactions. It is through the simple realization that without self-reflection and the ability to adapt in order to progress, personal empowerment would be almost impossible to attain.

Your awareness of the reach of your impact partnered with your ambition towards self-actualization, will lead you to easily incorporating several daily acts of reflection; and will continue to be the constant variable between successful leaders of our time. It is a crucial life skill to be able to honestly approach yourself and be open to learning the ways in which you can best operate.

Creating that space to be able to explore your character and get to know yourself can be uncomfortable at first, but through practice you will find the foundation of your life slowly begin to stabilize. Being able to reflect with yourself on life in both general and more specific topics is a skill that is mastered through practice, but once mastered can prove to be a life altering tool for success. When life seems to be moving fast, and you are being tested in more ways than one, acknowledge that this is a sign and opportunity for you to break the cycle. Once you reflect on why certain feelings arise, you can better control the outcome and in turn take active steps in developing your personal empowerment.

Research studied at the University of Michigan has provided the Reflected Best Self Exercise (RBSE), highlighting the positive impact you have on others and further developing your strengths in all areas of your life. You can implement RBSE in your life by following these 4 steps, you will need a journal for this exercise:

Step 1:

Write down three incidences/memories of yourself where you showcased your strength.

Step 2:

Develop a personal network of selective family and friends. Ask them to write the ways in which you positively contribute to their lives, and collect the responses.

Step 3:

Observe the responses for patterns or recurring themes.

Step 4:

Conclude the results of your contributions & gain the understanding of your reflected best-self.


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